Why is Annual Billing Deprecated?

Disappointed to learn today that my annual plan (which I have used for 6+ years) is being "upgraded" to hourly billing and therefore the 10% discount disappears. It seems like a disguised price increase.
Anyone else in this boat?

2 Replies

Everyone that was on the annual plan are in the same boat and my guess is the way vps's are being used has changed since the time annual billing was introduced way back when in the early naughties.

Back in the day you'd have a fixed number, or maybe a slowly increasing number of linodes running permanently. These days it's more and more common to treat them as temporary nodes and have automation that spins them up and deletes them as load increases and decreases during the day.

So the subset of users on annual billing has become smaller and smaller every year, but the costs of giving the option stays the same or goes up every year.

Yeah same. It's a huge bummer. They've been trying to push us off for a while. (limiting plans, features like block storage and eventually access to the community)


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