I can't connect.can you help me?

I buy a node at last day,but I can't connect it.
ssh root@

ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out

2 Replies

Works fine here, check your network.

Were you able to get this resolved? If you are still running into this issue I'd recommend first taking a look at your IP / port with a tool like this:


This will allow you to test your connection directly to port 22 like this:


Another tool you could use for network diagnostics is MTR. If you run an MTR report to and from your Linode it might help pinpoint where the issue lies. You could run these reports as follows (assuming MTR is installed on your local machine):

 Local Machine --> Linode      $ mtr -rwbzc100 <Linode-IP>

 Linode --> Local Machine      $ mtr -rwbzc100 <Local-IP-Address>

Just as a side note, the MTR report could take up to 2 minutes to complete.

If you are still experiencing issues with this I'd recommend opening a ticket through your Linode Manager, along with the relevant data from port.ping.pe and your MTR outputs.


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