How can I connect to SSH ?

Lish always 'Login incorrect'.
I connect to SSH, it always 'Permission denied'.
I have reset password 3 times.

$ssh root@ip
root@ip's password:
Permission denied, please try again.
root@ip's password:

2 Replies

It may be that special characters are being used for your password that aren't represented correctly when entered through a terminal application or Lish. I'd recommend resetting your password again and using no special characters, or only those special characters that are very common, such as the following symbols:


If all else fails you can boot your Linode into Rescue Mode and chroot into your Linode's disk to run the passwd command.

My password is very simple, no special characters.
I have did everything according to your suggestion, but failed.
I used coreOS, this is my first time to use it.
Im studying on it.

I rebuild linode with centOS7, and everything is ok.

Thank you!


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