Securing phpbb2


so im running a forum for my site ( and since i always seem to hear about forums being hacked and taken down, does anyone have some decent suggestions on how to secure it.

Im not really sure on where to start…



3 Replies

I run phpbb & the only thing I've done is use an obscure (alphanumeric) password for the administrator.

I can only make a basic recommendation, really:

Make sure you keep yourself informed on security bulletins regarding phpBB and also keep your installation of phpBB patched and up-to-date.


Make sure you keep yourself informed on security bulletins regarding phpBB and also keep your installation of phpBB patched and up-to-date.
Yah - this is what I do as well. Make sure to subscribe to the phpBB mailing lists so that you get notified when new versions are released.


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