How do I get faster speed

Linode Staff

I am only able to download from my Linode at a rate of about 50Kbps and upload is also slow. How do I get faster speed.

Also, how do I increase hard disk space and not affect my current application.

I have a Linode 2GB.

2 Replies

Your network speed, latency, and bandwidth is affected by a combination of factors. Your Linode provides a 2,000Mbps outbound connectivity from the data center and 40,000Mbps inbound connectivity.

The largest factors affecting your performance will be the speeds over the internet to and from your endpoint, and the rate at which your Linode can present and receive data to/from the network interface.

What performance do you get when downloading from the same data center where your Linode resides?

If it is the same as you are reporting above, then it is likely that the network between your local computer and Linode is the limiting factor.

You can run MTR reports or IPerf reports to help diagnose these issues:

If you are seeing slower speeds, then you may have a bottleneck in your software running on your Linode, in which case we may be able to point you in the right direction if you could explain what you are trying to accomplish.

Increasing your storage can be accomplished in two ways. You can Upgrade your Linode to a Linode 4GB which will give you 30GB more SSD storage.

You can use also use Linode Block Storage to create a volume of whatever size you need to add additional storage space to a new directory in your filesystem.

I hope this helps!

nope i am doing speed test on linode vps only getting only 1gbps instead of 5gbps in my plan


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