Errors when upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04
I'm following the guide for upgrading to 18.04 and I've ran into some issues with do-release-upgrade
When I issue the command, it fails with following message:
After updating your package information, the essential package
'ubuntu-minimal' could not be located. This may be because you have
no official mirrors listed in your software sources, or because of
excessive load on the mirror you are using. See /etc/apt/sources.list
for the current list of configured software sources.
In the case of an overloaded mirror, you may want to try the upgrade
again later.
Does anyone know what this means exactly? I can't remember modifying the sources.list
file, so I'm kinda lost on what to do. The upgrade just fails.
6 Replies
I added these lines to the end of my sources.list
file and was able to get the update to run successfully.
deb xenial main universe multiverse
deb xenial-security main universe multiverse
For what it's worth, I was upgrading from 17.10 (not 16.04) and added these lines to /etc/apt/sources.list
in order to get the upgrade to work:
deb artful main restricted universe multiverse
deb artful-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb artful-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb artful-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb artful partner
I realize some of these may be duplicated in the list already, but it was not a problem.
There is a simpler method, which does not involve editing sources.list. Simply run this:
sudo RELEASE_UPGRADER_ALLOW_THIRD_PARTY=1 do-release-upgrade