How do I activate my account?

error:Your account must be activated before you can use this endpoint

5 Replies

Submit the documents requested by email and wait.

@yide_ethan you should have received an email with instructions and a link to upload verification images. Check your spam filters if you haven't received the email. Once we receive any verification images, we'll review them and quickly act on completing your signup.

If you run into any issues, you can email for help.

Same for me, no email with verification images or stuff sent. Wrote an email a few hours ago - no answer by now. Great first impression. Not.

Hey @jackhistoria, if you didn't receive an email requesting verification, your signup was likely still under review — you should have either received a request for verification images or been activated by now. In either case, sorry for the delay!

Took a few hours than it worked. Set up a server with vnc and stuff by now. Am testing a few, just cancelled another vps service because they havent still "reviewed" my purchase. What ever have to be "reviewed" - should "review" themselfs. Maybe just a guy has to click on a button whatsoever. Linode - just skip that and we will be friends for a long time.

Thanks bbigger for your response.


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