Is there a Tokyo 1 server?

Is there a Tokyo 1 server?

3 Replies

There is an older Tokyo data center however they do not sell space there any more. It looks like it's still running as it is referenced in the lish documentation. Tokyo2 has updated hardware and supports the current plans.

But I fancy your Tokyo1 server before I buy it.

Thank you for your interest in our Tokyo data centers. At this time, no new Linodes can be created in Tokyo 1 due to the fact that it is scheduled to be retired and decommissioned.

However, as was mentioned in the above response, our Tokyo 2 data center is accepting new Linodes and is available for hosting. If you'd like to try a speed test to Tokyo 2, you can do so through the following link:

Speed test

There are several benefits of spinning up a Linode in Tokyo 2, as well:

1.) The Block Storage Service is available.
2.) Tokyo 2 will be able to host the newest Linode plans
3.) Future features that are on Linode's product roadmap.


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