Custom Linode?

Linode Staff

Is it possible to build a custom linode with specs required?

1 Reply

Your Linode is your server, so we want you to be able to use it with the specs that you need. While we offer a large selection of Linux distributions you can deploy to your Linode, it's also possible to install a custom distribution on your Linode.

Once you've built the custom distribution, you can create an image of that Linode and deploy it to as many instances as you need to, meaning you need to only create it once.

There's a guide in our library which walks you through the steps of both setting up the custom Linode and creating the image:

Install a Custom Distribution on a Linode

On the other hand, if you're looking to purchase a custom plan (i.e. custom RAM,CPU, transfer or storage), we do not have those available. However, we have a large selection of plans available which you can see at the link below:

Plans & Pricing


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