Rate your Linode at RateMyLinode.com (just launched today!)

Note! - RateMyLinode does not support Xen Linodes yet :( Please see here for more details

Have you ever wanted to monitor your average io rate over time? Ever been curious how low your io rate is in comparioson to others? Now you can find out exactly.

For about the past month in my spare time I've developed http://www.ratemylinode.com, a free monitoring service for your Linode's io rate. This will provide you graphs like this:

~~![](<URL url=)http://www.ratemylinode.com/daily.png" />

Feel free to sign up all your Linodes, if you're ashamed of your io rate you can set your statistics to be private so they won't show up on http://www.ratemylinode.com/rankings.html/.

Have fun! If you run into problems on the website, you can kick me an email via the comments link, or find me on IRC as warewolf.~~

7 Replies

I just added column sorting to the rankings page, so now you can sort based on nearly all of the column headers, including what Host server your linode is on.

Debian users might need to apt-get install libwww-perl before the client will run.

What a cool service. Seeing as all the hosts use NTP you might start seeing problems

when 50 or 100 clients connect within the same second.


Debian users might need to apt-get install libwww-perl before the client will run.

What a cool service. Seeing as all the hosts use NTP you might start seeing problems

when 50 or 100 clients connect within the same second.

Highly unlikely, even lightweight public ntp servers handle a ton of traffic. NTP is a very light protocol.


Highly unlikely, even lightweight public ntp servers handle a ton of traffic. NTP is a very light protocol.

His point was that since all the servers have accurate clocks, every user has the Rate My Linode cron job running at the exact same second, which will be hard on its server.

> couldn't open /proc/iostatus for reading (No such file or directory) at ./rmlclient.pl line 35.

using OpenSuse 10.3


> couldn't open /proc/iostatus for reading (No such file or directory) at ./rmlclient.pl line 35.

using OpenSuse 10.3

Are you using Xen? (Xen icon in the dashboard, and probably "domU" in your kernel version.) RateMyLinode doesn't work in Xen yet.

sorry i'm using xen… (didn't read that)


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