Unable to set name servers

I just bought a vps and installed cpanel on it. Now i am unable to use name servers for the sites i am supposed to host on the server. What nameserver should i use if i wish to use linode dns?
I mean when i look for reverse dns it shows li985-230.members.linode.com

And i know its my host name. Can i use ns1.li985-230.members.linode.com and ns2.li985-230.members.linode.com as my name servers or i have to use ns1.linode.com as my name servers for my hosted sites on cpanel?

1 Reply

If you want to use Linode's DNS Manager, you will want to visit your domain's registrar and add the following name servers.


You can find more information about getting set up to use our DNS Manager at the following link


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