I'm having trouble connecting to my server and the ssh service is running.

Linode Staff

I'm having trouble connecting to my server and the ssh service is running. Any ideas as to what the problem may be?

1 Reply

It sounds like this may be related to the firewall rules on your server. You can verify your current rules using the "iptables" and/or "ufw" commands.

ufw status

If there are rules in place that are restricting access, you can try backing up your current rules and flushing them afterwards.

iptables-save > /tmp/iptables.txt
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
iptables -F

Once this is done, try establishing a connection to your Linode. To restore your rules, you can run the following command:

iptables-restore < /tmp/iptables.txt

For UFW, you can disable this service and try connecting afterwards. You can then re-enable the service if necessary after your testing.

ufw disable
ufw enable


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