How do I move files to my block storage volume?

Linode Staff


I have a Linode with the following specs:
4CPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB SSD and Used (100GB).

With a block storage volume that is 200GB, and mounted to /dev/sdc.

How do I move files to the storage volume so I can resize my Linode to the 4GB plan with the following specs: 2CPU 4GB RAM and 80GB SSD.

Thank you!

2 Replies

Hi there,

If you would like to move files from /dev/sda (your main disk) to /dev/sdc (your block storage device), you could use the following command (for example), by substituting "examplefile" with the file (or directory) you want to move:

sudo mv examplefile /mnt/BLOCKSTORAGE_VOLUME/

Once you've confirmed you've moved enough files, you could resize your server to a smaller plan through your Linode Manager.

Here is our guide on how to resize your Linode, if needed:


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