Can't SSH via PuTTy

Hello - I am unable to login to root using PuTTy on my Linode. It returns the error "No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)"

I have tried deleting the registry entry for the connection from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\SshHostKeys, but it does not solve the problem. Any advice?

1 Reply


Are you using a .ppk key file? If not (if its .pem for eg.) you will have to convert it to a .ppk (the proprietary key file format for PuTTy) using the PuTTY key generator.

Also, double check your settings! Unless you set up the key file before (or checked it on the manager when you were setting up your Linode), you should not need it on a new Linode server -- you should only need the root password you used during the creation of your server to logon. After you have logged on for the first time, you can set up your key pair and then convert that key to .ppk using the the PuTTY key generator.

I would also recommend checking out MobaXTerm (or Cygwin which Moba utilizes), especially if you have to use a Windows machine but are more comfortable with a UNIX-like shell.

Hopefully this all helps!

-Christine, TPM


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