How do I get my site up after migrating to a different datcentre?
I have migrated to a different data centre and updated all my configurations to use the new ip address.
However nginx wont start because it says it cant bind to my old ip address…
I have spent 5 hours going over forums but apparently I have done everything possible.
Any advice appreciated!
1 Reply
I can't say for certain, but it sounds like your Linode's original IP address is still in the Nginx configuration somewhere. I'd recommend double checking all the Nginx configuration files for reference to the old IP address and updating it to be a generic port 80 or 443, or changing it over to the new IP address.
In particular, double check the server blocks located in the configuration files for specific domains. They're usually found here:
That's the most likely place to define any IP addresses. We have a guide on setting up server blocks in Nginx that may help.