apache2 + blogs + address rewriting

So.. Im wanting to set up some blogging software mainly for myself, but idealy for other users as well, ive used moveableType and Blojxsom but didnt particuarllly like them.. wordpress is ok, but not really a fan.

umm.. moveabletype did things ok cause it didnt store stuff in mysql, not sure if that was a good thing or not, but on a linode having things staticly rather then haveing to connect to db and get each time might be nice for the cpu sides of things.

For the record im on a Linode 120, i have apache2 and php4 installed.

On the other side of things, id like to be able to set up some sort of setup that easily allows me to do something like this.

I have our-lan.com set up in apache2, it would be nice to be able to make something like internat.our-lan.com automaticly goto our-lan.com/internat or something simular, but without actually changing the address, so im thinking mod_rewrite but im not sure how that works etc



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