Sendmail: how do you send mail from localhost only ?

I want to prevent my sendmail app for being a spam agent. How do I configure sendmail so that I send mail only from localhost.

2 Replies

In your file, you should add a line of the form:

DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl

then regenerate your file. Beware of the use of backquotes in m4 files - that's a backquote before the "P" in "Port".

If you already have such a line, and you don't have any other lines binding to other addresses, then this has already been done for you.

You can use netstat -ap to see what processes are listening to which ports.


I want to prevent my sendmail app for being a spam agent. How do I configure sendmail so that I send mail only from localhost.


RELAY_DOMAIN(` localhost')

to and rebuild with something like:

m4 >

Take some time to make sure you have it right. There are scum out there who make a living out of abusing mail servers. You can find a decent sendmail tutorial at Or get the oreilly book.


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