My IP address has been blocked by the firewall, how can I remove the blockage?

Linode Staff

I am able to access the server when using my mobile hot spot connection and other wifi connections but not from my current location. My IP address appears to have been blocked by the firewall, how can I remove the blockage?

1 Reply

For CentOS you can use firewalld to change your firewall rules. The following command can be used to whitelist your IP address.

 firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_IP_ADDRESS" accept'

To confirm that these changes have been applied, you can run the following command.

 firewall-cmd --list-all --zone=public

If you are using IPTables on your CentOS Linode, you can run the following command to whitelist your IP address.


You can then list your current active iptables rules with this command.

 sudo iptables -S


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