Config CRM Agile DKIM & SPF DNS Linode

Hi guys

I'm trying to configure the "email delivery rate" using a tool called AgileCRM, it asks me to add the following fields to the DNS, which I already add, but I have a doubt in one that is of the MX type, with the following information :


Being that to add a data of type MX I can only add reference, Subdomain and TTL.

I can also configure it using data of the CNAME type, but I do not feel that it fits me to be able to register them.

throws data like:


and other 2 more records, could you guide me how to add any of the two?

Thank you

1 Reply

It looks like the DNS records you've posted above use slightly different language than our DNS manager.

For the above records, it sounds like Host should be the subdomain field in the DNS Manager, though you will only need to use "agle" as opposed to "" For Data use the Hostname field in the DNS Manager.

In summary, try adding a new MX Record with the following:
Subdomain: agle


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