Rebuild a Linode with the APIv4 and without changing the root password
I would like to deploy multiple machines from an image that I have created using the APIv4.
How can I deploy my own (previously created) disk image without changing the root password at every deployment. I am currently using the APIv4 and it sets up a password even if I don't include one. I have tried to create empty instance and then create a disk from my own image however it still sets a random root password.
Is it possible to use and deploy my own image as is (with it's own settings/users, and with it's own passwords without the system giving it another password)?
1 Reply
I've checked our API dcoumentation, and it turns out that when rebuilding with the Linode APIv4, the 'root_pass' parameter is a required field, so there is no way to override this. When calling the rebuild, you will need to either set a password, or use the randomly generated one.