Forward by Private IPs

Hi There!

I have successfully installed pfSense on Linode A.
Ubuntu With dummy web server on Linode B.

Both Linode have Private IPs (same datacenter)

If I create virtual interface em0.1(LAN) with ip 192.168.A.A
I can ping linode B by its ip 192.168.B.B from LAN

if I create Virtual IP instead and enter 192.168.A.A
I can also ping 192.168.B.B from pfSense Virtual IP 192.168.A.A

The Problem : I try to set up a forward from
Public IP(linode A):80 to 192.168.B.B:80 but
I can't reach Linode B.

Can this be scenario be done…somehow?

If someone could point be up to a site reference
I could read & Learn how to do it I would
really appreciate!

Thank you!

2 Replies


Late to the party here but we do not allow the ability to spoof the origin ip address (ip forwarding) over the private network. It's a safety measure to prevent the Linode from acting as some other Linode on the network.

I hope that helps and let us know if you have any questions about that.

Just reading through this, is this still the case?
I want to NAT ports 80 and 443 to my Nginx proxy manager.

noob to the cloud but I had planned to put everything behind a PFsense firewall and then set my Linodes to only be accessed via the Proxy manager on a private LAN?

What is everyone else doing? I want it to be a secure as possible.


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