Nginx built with Pagespeed,ssl, http2, brotli and mod security

Hey how can i built nginx with Pagespeed,ssl, http2, brotli and mod security.

In this only pagespeed,ssl and http2 is supported :

Also i want to retain the directory paths, user and group names of pre-built NGINX binaries so that i dont get any error with letsencrpyt installation, also it is easy to manage.

OS : Ubuntu 18.04 LTS | Php :7.3 (Ondrej) | MariaDB : 10.3.11

I tried on my own but got this Error :

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6 Replies

I can answer your question about SSL. You could use let’s encrypt and install using certbot.

i didnt asked about ssl and i know how to install that. i am just asking how can i built nginx with Pagespeed,ssl, http2, brotli and mod security support

i know that, i want brotli and mod security compiled with nginx

There's a mailing list which you can ask them for specific help on those specific questions.

But this is not about pagespeed specifically. They have already tutorial for that. I need to build more that's why I am asking in community.
I tried and got error

Visit this link to see Error that I got

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