Copy Block Storage Volumes

Linode Staff

Can a new block storage (e.g. 20GiB) be combined with the existing 25GiB Block Storage volumne to create a single 45 GiB volume?

1 Reply

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Natively there is not at option to combine the Block Storage drives together in the Linode Manager. You can use the cp or mv commands to move the volumes. First you would need to expand one volume to 45 GB then run the following command:

 mv /mnt/$volume_name/* /mnt/$other_volume_name/

or you can use the cp command and it would look like this

 cp /mnt/$volume_name/* /mnt/$other_volume_name/

Then after the files are moved you can delete the volume that you do not need. To find the exact volume names you have to run the following command:

 ls -la /mnt

Also please note that these commands assume that all the Block Storage volumes are attached to the same Linode and that they are located in the same data center.

We have guide explaining copying and moving files and directories.

If the Block Storage volumes are not in the same data center you would need to follow our guide for copying a disk over SSH.

This last way is a bit more complicated but totally possible. You would need to follow the guide and boot both Linodes into Rescue Mode. The guide provides this command to copy over the volumes

ssh root@ "dd if=/dev/sda " | dd of=/home/archive/linode.img

Instead of using "sda" you would use the partition drive (sdb/sdc/sdd) of the sending volume. The "/home/archive/linode.img" of the command would be replaced with the /dev/$partition_drive (sdb/sdc/sdd).


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