question about mail exchange


My name is Elad and I need your help ,

10x in advance.

I'm not using linux, and I know it's a linux forum…but I'm dealing with the same subject : SMTP servers.

I have an SMTP server in my business network (a private network),

and I'm using Exchanger to manage the Email Service in the network.

I can send emails to every computer in my company using emails the Exchanger gave to the users.

But, let's say I want to use my inner email,

and send a message to my private email at home…

how can I do that ?

and even more important….

if I want to send an email from home,

to my inner email in my network…how can I do that?


1 Reply

You will need:

Outbound: you will need a server that looks up for MX records in DNS and sends email out to defined servers. If you don't want a box in the inside network sending stuff out, you could have this in Internet and just feed all emails to it from intranet (called SMART_HOST in Sendmail jargon).

Inbound: you will need a domain name with MX record, and that MX record having a mail server accepting emails for that domain and route them wherever you want them to go. The port 25 in this server should be accessable from Internet. Again, this don't have to be in your intranet but you will need some way to transfer emails from it to your systems inside.



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