How I can access database

I was using adminer on my website for access database, what it was stopped working see here

What was issue ?

2 Replies

404 error: The page cant be found.

“404 error: Page not found” is a client-side error that means the webpage can't be found on the server. Typically, this could mean the web address was typed into the browser incorrectly or the webpage was removed or moved to a new URL without updating the configuration file accordingly. It may also mean the URL was entered differently in the configuration file than was entered into the web browser.

There are a few ways to troubleshoot this error. If you are certain that the main page of your site works, it may be helpful to move up the file directory one level at a time in the URL starting with the broken URL. This will help you narrow down which part of the file directory structure needs attention.

example: ( and then (

Next, think about if you've changed the URL in any way. Have you moved the page to a different location on your site? Did you alter the configuration files to reflect this change? The location of these configuration files will be in different places depending on the web server you are using. See below for more information on where the files typically are located and how to configure them.

Apache Config Files


.htaccess is a configuration file for the Apache web server that allows you to make modification without having to edit the Apache configuration files. You will need to enable it if you haven't been using it because it isn't available by default. The below guide will give you more in depth instruction on how to set it up.

How to Set Up the .htaccess File on Apache

Virtual Host file

The file is typically located in the below path. Apache's site is also a useful source for information on this file.

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/

Apache Virtual Host documentation

Ngnix Server Blocks

Ngnix's main site has some super helpful information about their Server Block configuration files that can be found here.

Distribution Config file

/etc/hosts file

This is a default file found in most Linux distributions. You can open the file with a text editor like nano using the command below. From here, you would adjust the file to suit your configuration.

sudo nano /etc/hosts

I hope this information gives you some helpful troubleshooting steps to solve this problem!


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