Newbie looking for help up and running with WordPress

I'm fairly experienced with WordPress (and ever ran my own servers back in the day) but I'm brand-new to Linode. I'm trying to:

  1. Launch a Linode and
  2. Use a StackScript to install LAMP and WordPress.

I used the Cloud Manager to create a new Linode using the WordPress StackScript. The description says:

A ready-to-rock WordPress install using the latest release from > Installs WordPress on a full LAMP stack using MySQL for >Debian/Ubuntu and MariaDB for CentOS (the new default)."

I ran it using Ubuntu v14.

I let the script run for almost an hour then, when the console kept telling me that the script was still running (that's too long, no?) I rebooted the server. As far as I can tell, WP was never installed, but I'm not sure how or where to look.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

4 Replies

I followed Linode’s guide on setting up a webserver and then installing Wordpress. Always worked fine.

Greetings @sdimbert,

Our customers have reported issues using the Wordpress Stackscript with older distros. I ran a test of my own on Ubuntu 14.04 and it also failed. Currently, we're reviewing these distro by distro.

For now, you can use our StackScript for Ubuntu 16.04 - made by one of our team members.

Hope that helps. Be sure to @pambrosky so I get pinged on your reply.

@pambrosky, thanks for the help… and I'm willing to try the new script. But, of course, I have some questions. :)

  1. Do I need to undo anything the first StackScript did? Should I just kill the Linode and start again?
  2. The link you gave me takes me to a page that lists the (surprisingly short) text of the script… but I don't know what to do with it. The other script was right there inside my Cloud Manager with a big "Run Script" button. What do I do with this new script?

Thanks, in advance, for your help.


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