How to move website to new linode?

I've created a second linode on my account and I'm trying to move one of my websites to the new server. I use Virtualmin as my server control panel, I deleted the website from the old server. Then I went to Linode cloud manager > Domains > My Domain and updated the IP address in A records to the new IP address of the server.

Now Its been a day since I did that but when I perform nslookup from my computer I still get the old IP. However from dns lookup tools online, I can see the new IP. This doesn't help me since I can't visit my website on the new location.

Is there something else that needs to be done to move the website to new server?

Old IP:
New IP:

2 Replies

It updated just fine, clear your DNS cache:

It took some time but its updated now. Thanks


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