Clone of one of our instances to another data centre

Linode Staff

I am trying to make a clone of one of our instances to another data centre. I tried to clone but I'm getting disk errors (probably because the instance was running during the clone).

Instead of shutting it down, could I please restore from a backup?


2 Replies

Thanks for reaching out to us. Natively our Backups are not designed to restore to another data center. There are two ways around this. One requires you to shutdown the Linode the other doesn't but requires Linode Support to help out. You can choose either way. We are always here to help where we can.

The first way, you can download an image file of your Linode to another Linode. The guideexplains how to keep a local copy. Instead you could send it from one Linode to the other.

Download a Disk over SSH

If you do not want to shutdown your Linode. Then I would create a new Linode in the same data center as the Linode is now, from the Backups image. Once the Linode is up then you can open a Support Ticket asking for a migration to a different data center. We can migrate it for you and this solves the problem of not being able to restore a Backup across data centers.

You need to be aware that if we migrate the Linode for you to another data center:
-It will take 10-15 minutes per GB of transfer.
-The IP address will change
-The Linode will be powered off during migration

If you decide the second option feel free to open a Support Ticket when you are ready. Let us know that you want the migration and that you accept the 3 statements above. This will save us having to ask you and we can just start the migration.


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