Is Vesta (or any other control panel) worth installing?

I've recently set up a site. On my last host I was used to cPanel but having seen the pricing I won't be getting that here. I did find Vesta and other free alternatives.

Having tried the demo version I was wondering if others who have installed it find it worth it? It has some handy features over the Linode admin, such as webmail access and Cron jobs, but not sure if it adds more. Particularly as I'd have to reinstall my setup.

Anyone have any experience and recommendations?

4 Replies

Hey there!

We have a great guide on How to Choose a Control Panel I would highly recommend looking at for some additional alternatives to cPanel. If you want to continue to use CentOS, CWP or CentOS Web Panel might be a good alternative for you as well.

I don't have personal experience using a panel service, however I did find this previous question which goes into a little more detail. My colleague @thorner recommends Webmin on Ubuntu, however another customer in a followup mentions using CWP for their e-commerce site.

I hope this helps!

Thanks Scrane, I had read the article and it's useful in deciding which one, but if anyone has any experience do let me know.

I think that Linode and SSH seem to work for now but it's a case of if people feel it's a lifesaver I should install one sooner rather than later.

Hi, i installed Vestacp on one Ubuntu based Linode, it's easy to install and it works for the basic tasks, such as managing domains, creating email accounts, managing ssl certificates ftp and so on and it offers various web server configurations to be used at the same time on different accounts.
What i like about Vestacp is that it's lightweight and minimalistic and if something cannot be managed straight from the panel, you have access to configuration files.
I had also some experience with Centos Web Panel and i don't suggest using it, because it's closed source and i had the impression that the developer intentionally introduces bugs that only paid support can solve due to the closed source model and it also happened that they tried to force me to use their paid support by letting the panel unusable and replacing the login page with a warning message that points to their paid support and this is what suggested me to stay away from CWP and you can check their forums and see by yourself and also they use Cpanel for the CWP web site which is not encouraging.
Then i used webmin and virtualmin on some other Linodes and they are very solid, but less intuitive at the beginning.
In my opinion a free panel like Vesta is ok if you are the main user on the server and you grant access to some trusted user only and you need sometimes to manage domains without messing too much with configuration files, but if your goal is to sell some professional hosting to paid customers, then my suggestion is to use something like Cpanel or Plesk to avoid troubles.

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