Can I upload/import a DNS zone file?

I'm looking to migrate some domains from Google Cloud DNS, which does not seem to support AXFR. I can, however, export a standard zone file with Google's CLI client.

I have not been able to find any way with Linode's web interface or CLI client to import or upload a standard zone file.

What's my best option?

1 Reply

Sadly your best option if you want to use our DNS Manager is that you would have to create all new records. I use google to register all of my domains and tested all the options. Google does not support zone transfers.

If you have a lot of records to create, you could write a script using the Linode API. Then pull the data from the yaml file. This would take some time. Depending on how many records you have; this may be faster.

Linode APIv4 Guide

I found this script in GitHub where they had the same problem. It is for json but you should be able to edit the scipt for yaml.


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