Can I reuse the IP of an earlier Linode?

Is it possible to somehow "reserve" the IP of a Linode, then remove the Linode and later assign that same IP to a new Linode (deployed from an image of the old Linode)?

I have a service that only needs to be accessible for about one day each month.

Ideally I'd like to avoid paying for the idle time while also not having to update DNS records every time I resume the service on a new Linode.

2 Replies

In this situation, we would not be able to reserve an IP address that would only be used in such small intervals.

If you want to use the same IP for the Linode each time for that one day a month when it needs to be accessible, my suggestion would be to create a Nanode, which is our 1GB package, and store the IP address on it. That way, when it comes time to spin up the once-a-month Linode in question, you can swap the IP onto it when you need it and swap back again when you take it down.

Here's our guide that explains how to swap IP addresses:


The service is actually already on a Nanode :)
But I'll just keep it running, then.


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