Lindo HostingMagento 2

I have a website in Magento 2 host on Linode Share hosting server, Using AMP for mobile CDN for speed when I go to checkout page website speed going very slow, is there anyone who help to sort out my issue
here is link

2 Replies

I just selected an item and went to checkout. It took 2- 4 seconds to complete on my phone over the mobile network which didn’t seem too bad.

Hi @ahsansial

I took a look into ways to improve performance from AMP and found this article posted to the AMP website that may provide some more insight for you:

Measuring AMP Performance

The article was written by Martin Schierle, who is a Mobile Solutions Consultant at Google.

I also found this article from AMP documentation that does a deeper dive into AMP Cacheing that I think is insightful into understanding AMP better:

How AMP pages are cached

Hope this is helpful!


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