I have installed and SSL certificate, but my HTTPS traffic is redirected to port 80. Why?

Linode Staff


I've use Linode for very long time, but never used HTTPS/SSL

I've purchased SSL certificate from Comodo and followed all steps to install. It is installed correctly.

I have multiple websites setup on Apache using vhosts.

Whenever I send a request via browser by using https in url , it gets redirected to http url

Please let me know if any changes are required on server level to make it work


2 Replies

Hi there,

Thanks for contacting us. We'll help you get your SSL site up and running as quickly as we can.

It sounds like your Linode is configured to redirect all web traffic from port 443 to port 80. You will need to update your Apache configuration to respond directly to HTTPS requests.

In particular, you'll need to ensure that you have Apache configured to respond to requests on port 443, and that you don't have any configuration settings that are telling Apache to redirect traffic to port 80.

Traffic redirection is configured in your Apache virtual hosts file. Typically, these will be found in your /etc/apache2/sites-available/ directory, but that can vary depending on your specific configuration. You probably have one configuration file for each domain you host.

These files have configuration blocks for traffic from port 80 and traffic from port 443. Under the blocks for port 443, we are looking for any lines that look like

Redirect / http://www.yourdomain.com

These should be commented out, and Apache should be restarted. You should generally analyze your Apache configuration files here in case anything else looks out-of-place.

This will require some additional configuration for each site. This is a fairly common use-case, and there is some information available on our community site on setting this up available here:


If you continue to encounter issues, please feel free to share your Apache configuration (sanitized to preserve anonymity) here, and we'll do our best to figure out what needs updating.

I hope this gets you pointed in the right direction.

Warm regards,

Linode Support Team

First off, you shouldn't be paying for SSL certs. Check out Let's Encrypt (it's free!). Even though you just paid for a cert from another provider, I would just count that as lost money and set up Let's Encrypt now. https://www.linode.com/docs/security/ssl/install-lets-encrypt-to-create-ssl-certificates/

Second, if your website is a CMS such as Wordpress or Joomla, it might be that you need to go into the admin panel and change the site URL from http to https.

See the other reply above for everything else.


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