About Nodeboost

Hello. I'm a Linode customer (redprogramar) and I need a CDN service, to speed up my websites. I want to test the Nodeboost performance from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Can you help me with this test?

1 Reply

Hey there!

While we don't provide support for Nodeboost, can you provide us a little more information about what exactly you're looking to test? This should help the community provide additional information. If you haven't yet, I'd recommend taking a look at the Nodeboost Knowledge Base and tutorials for information on setting that up.

If you're looking to test the speed of Nodeboost, they do use Linodes for their services, so you can test the latency of our data centers closest to Buenos Aires for a good idea of how well it would work for you. The closest 4 data centers would be Newark (US East), Atlanta (US Southeast), Dallas (US Central), and Fremont (US West). You can test the speed and latency to all of our data centers at the Linode Speedtest.

Hope this helps!


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