Linode DNS propagation time

We're having problems with Linode DNS propagation time to the public internet. Please see the discussion on certbot on github
Can anyone from the linode staff please provide some clarifications as to how long it takes for DNS changes to be visible from the public internet.

3 Replies

Greetings @trinopoty,

The DNS propagation time for our name servers is 30 minutes. The timing could vary up to 48 hours to propagate across the entire web. A way you can diagnose if this is a DNS caching issue or misconfiguration is by running dig with the following option.

$ dig +trace

Linode Support Team

Thanks for the update.
The linode DNS dashboard has the line "Changes made to a master zone will take effect in our nameservers every quarter hour.", so, I was under the impression that any changes will be visible after 15 minutes at max. Is there another point of delay in the system that's adding the other 15 minutes?

DNS propagation is poorly named and frequently misunderstood concept.

It boils down to whenever a browser, router, computer, resolver, hotspot, etc. asks for information about DNS, it is told by whomever it is asking "Here is your info. I'm very busy so don't ask again for x seconds" (where x is the TTL or time to live of that information). The information is not pushed out into the network during propagation, but rather it the process of waiting for servers who have already asked about the information to be ready to ask again and get updated information.

If you know what the authoritative servers are for a piece of DNS information, you can query them directly using the dig command (specifying the authoritative server) to find out if the correct information is being published. This is the information that will eventually be what the whole internet sees.

If you try to browse a DNS record before it has been published, something called negative cacheing can occur. Your browser, for example, might have been told that the domain name it was looking up for you does not exist and should wait a certain amount of time before asking again.

You can frequently use an alternate device, i.e. a browser on your phone, to get an alternate take on what is going on (but just once, because once it has asked, it too has to wait for the information to expire)


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