What happened to eth0:1 private networking interface?

I just created a linode using ansible (same as what I've been using for over a year). Previously, the newly created linode had eth0:1 as its private network interface, now that is missing. I only get eth0 for the public interface.

Did something change recently?
How can I enable it? (I'm using Ubuntu 14.04LTS).

1 Reply

Hey there @signalearn,

Thanks for reaching out to the Community, that's a great question! It's hard to say for certain without seeing your Linode, but there's a strong possibility that it still has our Network Helper enabled -- if it does, then Network Helper is automatically overwriting any changes you've made to your Linode's networking configuration files upon reboot. We have a great guide in the
Linode Library that explains Network Helper in greater detail (as well as how to enable/disable it) which I'll include here.

If Network Helper is disabled and you're still unable to configure an extra virtual interface, feel free to let us know and we'll be glad to look into this further.

All the best,
Linode Support Team


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