Configure proper line wrapping for lish

I have a few usability problems with lish.

  1. Line wrapping is nonexistent, making it difficult to perform
    maintenance tasks that require the use of lish. For example, trouble-
    shooting SELinux policy modules - this isn't something I can simply say "okay I'll just use ssh" when I can't login remotely due to SElinux

  2. This feels related but may not be - I notice that I am within a screen session that uses ^A as the control escape but does not allow
    me to change the the escape. ^A is the beginning of line escape, and it's often followed by ^K which has the fun effect of killing the screen.

As a result of these two coinciding factory, the lish console is nearly unusable for me. This happens regardless of how I attempt to access the lish console.

Are there solutions for these usability issueS?

2 Replies


Line wrapping is nonexistent, making it difficult to perform maintenance tasks that require the use of lish. For example, trouble-shooting SELinux policy modules - this isn't something I can simply say "okay I'll just use ssh" when I can't login remotely due to SElinux policies.

Thank you for this feedback. This is definitely a great observation regarding the Lish console, and I can understand why it would be frustrating. I will pass along this suggestion to our development team, regarding line wrapping.

This feels related but may not be - I notice that I am within a screen session that uses ^A as the control escape but does not allow me to change the the escape. ^A is the beginning of line escape, and it's often followed by ^K which has the fun effect of killing the screen.

Can you give more details about this? What screen session are you in? Are you saying that normally you would use ^A to escape that screen session, but in the Lish console it's not working for you? I'm a little confused about what you are asking here, so any additional details would be helpful!

Joe C.

Linode Staff

It's a virtualized console with no actual terminal to inherit size from, so it defaults to the standard cols and rows. I believe you can influence the size using:

stty cols "$cols" rows "$rows"

Since it runs in screen, control-a is intercepted by the screen session. You can get screen to pass down a control-a with the following sequence:

control-a followed by a.

However, these escape sequences aren't changeable.

Hope that helps,


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