securing dhcpcd

Is there any way to secure dhcpcd, such as with iptables? If so, what would that rule look like?

3 Replies

Exactly what do you mean by 'securing' dhcpcd? Dhcpcd doesn't open any ports, so all you can do with iptables is block dhcp requests made by dhcpcd, which will make it useless.

OK, so you are saying that it's safe how it is? netstat says it is on, but it's not in the LISTEN state.

I had read this: … 507-16.xml">

but I guess that means that the dhcp server would have to be comprimised, and like you said, if you blocked access to that then dhcpcd would be useless.

This is a bit new to me. I'm just trying to make sure that I've closed any holes.



well, if you distrust dhcpcd, you can aways configure your ip adress manually. I don't know what distro you use, but in gentoo, you edit /etc/conf.d/net.example apropriately and save it to /etc/conf.d/net

The example file explains how it works. No more dhcpcd, one worry less :).


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