Does Linode plan to support webauthn for its website?

The W3C webauthn standard provides a solid alternative (or addition to) standard password-based authentication. It's currently supported by Firefox & Chrome. I would very much like to use webauthn to make my Linode (web site) login more secure. Do you have plans to implement authentication using webauthn?


John Clements

3 Replies

Greetings John,

We don't have that in the pipeline yet but I went ahead and added this to our internal idea tracker - thanks for that. We'll make sure to reply to this Community Post if there is any traction.

Linode Support Team

With Apple's announcement at WWDC22 about Passkeys requiring Webauthn, are you guys now planning to offer this soon?


Implementing passkey login would be a fantastic improvement! They're not only more convenient but also significantly more secure than traditional passwords. Many major websites have already adopted this technology:


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