API ddns ipv6

I used linode-cli as a ddns.
i used the command "linode-cli domains records-update --type A --target [remote_addr] $DID $RID"

With my ISP is update correcty.
Then i used a openvpn tunnel with ipv6 and updates with a AAAA record.

went i come back with my ISP i got this error:

Request failed: 400
field reason
type type is not an editable field.

same with curl.

4 Replies

Hey there,

Just so any confusion is avoided from the start, I want to clarify that I tried replicating the error message you described using the new linode CLI. I mention it because I looked at your command syntax and it seems you were using the old CLI.

With that now out of the way, I want to say that I tried several configurations and even though I did get some unexpected results, I couldn’t get the same error you got. Here’s what I tried:

From my local computer (Mac), modify hostname www A record :

$linode domain record-update <domain zone> --type A --target [remote_addr] --match www

[remote_addr] places the IP of the request as the target. Thus, it ended up setting my www A record to my public IP. If I understood correctly, this also worked for you without any issues.

Since I don’t have an IPv6 address, I created a test Linode which gets an IPv6 address by default.

From my test Linode (Ubuntu 18.04 and Fedora 28), try to modify my www AAAA record:

$linode domain record-update <domain zone> --type AAAA --target [remote_addr] --match www

This worked ok since my www AAAA record was changed to the Linode’s IPv6 address.

The unexpected part, at least for me, was when I tried changing my www A record from the Linode:

$linode domain record-update <domain zone> --type A --target [remote_addr] --match www

My A record ended up being replaced by a AAAA record with the IPv6 address of the Linode. Apparently the request is still made using IPv6, even though the type I specified was A. I guess the request IP trumps all settings.

By the way, a very quick way to view the DNS records for a Domain Zone using the CLI is:

$linode domain record-list --label <domain zone>

My theory of what happened to you is that [remote_addr], plus the $DID and $RID in the old CLI is triggering a bug in the old API. This might not be an issue anymore in our current API(v4) which is what the updated CLI uses. For this reason, I would suggest trying to install the new CLI and going through the same process again to see if you get the same error. I'll give you a guide that you can easily reference if you want more information about the new CLI:


I hope this ends up working out for you but if it doesn't or you have any more questions just let us know.



i used the github to install linode-cli

i just confirm in th irc of linode

that [remote_addr] change the record type.

So instead i will use curl to update the domain refer here.


Well… This is akward. After further digging and testing, it turns out I was the one using the old version of the client. I apologize for the confusion. I can see that you are very aware of the new API and client, but it wouldn't hurt to point out the updated guide in our docs regarding the client.


With this client I was able to reproduce the error. What follows is what I went through to reproduce it:

Original record list:

[root@li1099-113 ~]# linode-cli domains records-list 1146471
│ id       │ type │ name │ target                         │ ttl_sec │ priority │ weight │
│ 11235932 │ A    │      │                  │ 0       │ 10       │ 5      │
│ 11235935 │ AAAA │      │ 2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:febe:a52a │ 0       │ 10       │ 5      │
│ 11235938 │ MX   │      │ mail.eliasvaldez.com           │ 0       │ 10       │ 5      │
│ 11235934 │ A    │ mail │                  │ 0       │ 10       │ 5      │
│ 11235937 │ AAAA │ mail │ 2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:febe:a52a │ 0       │ 10       │ 5      │
│ 11235933 │ A    │ www  │                  │ 0       │ 10       │ 5      │
│ 11235936 │ AAAA │ www  │ 2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:febe:a52a │ 0       │ 10       │ 5      │

Changing record 11235933, which is a type A record resulted in this:

root@localhost:~# linode-cli domains records-update --type A --target [remote_addr] 1146471 11235933
│ id       │ type │ name │ target                         │ ttl_sec │ priority │ weight │
│ 11235933 │ AAAA │ www  │ 2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:febe:a5bf │ 0       │ 10       │ 5      │

As you mentioned, the record type was changed to a AAAA type record, which can be further verified in:

[root@li1099-113 ~]# linode-cli domains records-list 1146471
│ id       │ type │ name │ target                         │ ttl_sec │ priority │ weight │
│ 11235932 │ A    │      │                  │ 0       │ 10       │ 5      │
│ 11235935 │ AAAA │      │ 2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:febe:a52a │ 0       │ 10       │ 5      │
│ 11235938 │ MX   │      │ mail.eliasvaldez.com           │ 0       │ 10       │ 5      │
│ 11235934 │ A    │ mail │                  │ 0       │ 10       │ 5      │
│ 11235937 │ AAAA │ mail │ 2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:febe:a52a │ 0       │ 10       │ 5      │
│ 11235933 │ AAAA │ www  │ 2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:febe:a5bf │ 0       │ 10       │ 5      │
│ 11235936 │ AAAA │ www  │ 2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:febe:a52a │ 0       │ 10       │ 5      │

If you try to update the record again with the same command, it will fail since the record type changed. This is the error message you described in your initial post:

root@localhost:~# linode-cli domains records-update --type A --target [remote_addr] 1146471 11235933
Request failed: 400
│ field │ reason                         │
│ type  │ type is not an editable field. │

Since the IP address of the request is king, as long as you specify the current record type, the command will execute without problems. So:

root@localhost:~# linode-cli domains records-update --type AAAA --target [remote_addr] 1146471 11235933

Will change back the record type to A if you make the request from a machine that makes an IPv4 request.



Thanks i solve it with a if-else shell script with linode-cli.


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