How to open a Web Browser on GLISH

Good day,
I recently installed GLISH on my server. The installation ran flawlessly, however I cannot launch a web browser session. I assume, given its size, glish comes with a pre-configured web-browser application and no additional installation is required. Am I right? How can I open a web browser application?

1 Reply

Greetings @cbarbaroux,

The problem is most likely due to the getty not running. A getty is a Unix program running on a host computer that manages physical or virtual terminals.

If you would like to do this automatically every time, you will need to make sure the distro helper is enabled in your configuration profile. If you want to start the graphical interface manually, the following command should work on debian-based systems.

$ exec /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty1 &

Also, Linode base distribution images do not have graphic environments pre-installed. You will need to install one, or use a Custom Distro. Below is some information about Graphical Environments using Debian.

Here is our guide on GLISH as well, if you have not seen it already.

Linode Support Team


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