Any plan to match Digital Ocean load balancer pricing?

do you have any plan to match Digital Ocean load balancer pricing?
NodeBalancer are currently $20.00/mo, while digital ocean load balancer are $10/mo.
I'm really happy with Linode platform, but now I have the need for a load balancer and it's not great to spend twice as much.

1 Reply

Linode Staff

Hey there,

Thank you; this is really valuable feedback. We are committed to providing the best experience possible at Linode, and that means being open and honest with our customers about ways we can improve in order to do just that. While I can't speak towards any unannounced pricing changes, I've passed this feedback along via our internal issue tracker to make sure the NodeBalancer pricing issue is heard. In the meantime, one alternative may be to configure your own load balancer on a 2GB linode. I understand this would be more work, however it would also likely be the cheaper option on our platform for now.

Thank you again for your insight and please keep an eye to for any future announcements.


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