Message pending in Queue folder

Dear Friends..

I need urgent help on SMTP ..

I have installed squid proxy server on linux machine. Linux machine have two IP one is Public IP and another is local IP.

We have installed SMTP on Windows2000 another Machine. Whenever i am sending any mails through the application. Mails are getting strucked in the Inetpub\mailroot\queue folder

I am not able to find what is the proble, why it is not moving mails outside from queque folder.

I am able to access internet through the windows2000 using the proxy setting in to internet exp setting.

Please advise how to solve above problem.

Thanks in advance

Naresh Kakrani :o

2 Replies

You will probably get a better response if you post your question in a more appropriate forum.

These forums usually confine their discussions to Linux running on Linodes and we pretty much don't do Windoze.


Dear Friends..

We have installed SMTP on Windows2000 another Machine. Whenever i am sending any mails through the application. Mails are getting strucked in the Inetpub\mailroot\queue folder

Please advise how to solve above problem.

How to solve the problem is easy. Put the mail server on linux and your mail server be faster, far more stable, and immune to viruses. You can even use the same hardware you were running windows on.

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