How do I fix cPanel/WHM reported error number 255
I am getting an email notification with the following message. Is there something I can address in my WHM to address this issue?
Thank you for your help.
The cPanel & WHM update process failed for the following reason:
Maintenance ended; however, it did not exit cleanly (256). The following events were logged: “scripts/findoutdatedservices”. Review the update logs to determine why the update failed.
Update log preview:
[2018-09-28 21:33:08 +0000] E [/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/findoutdatedservices] The “/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/findoutdatedservices --auto” command (process 3621) reported error number 255 when it ended.
2 Replies
Cheers @emilyjourney,
I'd first try a reboot and see if that does the trick. Are there any other symptoms besides the error?
I found a user with a similar issue. See here:
The post indicated that it was related to the kernel - especially if it was a custom distribution. You could always test by switching the kernel via the configuration profile or via our CLI.
You may also find more information in the log files:
It may be worth reaching out to cPanel as well. It's possible they have more knowledge about this issue.
Linode Support Team