I'd like to hire somebody for linode handholding
I'm planning on developing a perl Catalyst-based website on Linux. I have pretty good background as a perl developer on windows (a year or so doing diverse projects) but my unix skills are weak. So, I need someone with good unix skills to
– 1) set me up like I want to be set up
-- 2) "handhold" me through the process, so I can then be semi-independent within my chosen tool set.
I envision the handholding phase would mainly be via instant messaging, and I would pay an hourly rate for help. (I also hope to learn some basic linux sysadmin skills through the experience.) My main goal is the perl Catalyst dev sandbox, but I would also like to have some other stuff installed as well, as detailed in the attachment.
What I'm hoping for from coders bidding on this project is a flat fee for Phase 1 (the setup), and then an hourly rate for handholding.
I've posted this as a project at rentacoder, which offers code escrow services for outsourcing, which has a more detailed description of what I hope to accomplish:
If you're interested, post a bid at rentacoder, or if you don't care about the code escrow aspect we can do this outside of the rentacoder infrastructure -- message me, and maybe we can work something out.