Browser installation Request

Please I just opened an account with Linode…………..

I am not familiar with linux….

plz tell me or give me any tutorial link about how to install chrome or firefox in my account

plz help me…i really urgently need browser…..

i keep on trying searching for help but failed

plz help me

4 Replies

What are you hoping to accomplish with your linode? Typically with linode you don't install graphical web browsers.

I need to run my Amazon seller account from a country, which is not on their approved list….Tell e plz what to do

Thanks for the reply

Linux installations on Linode generally don't have a desktop environment installed. In other words, Linode probably isn't what you need. Maybe Tor or a VPN instead.

If you are going to use Linode for that you are better off setting up a proxy on the linode and directing your traffic through that. You would probably be better off just getting a VPN through a service like Private Internet Access. Especially since you don't know linux.


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