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The only reason I am into this Linode thing is that, I need to have different IP to access some websites. I want to remotely control a computer / server (even if it is virtual) to run web browser and visit internet sites.

I have registered a Linode account, added a linode, and followed the guidance from the following link:

But in the end, after "sudo apt-get install iceweasel", when I typed in "iceweasel &" it said "command not found".

Please kindly help me out here! Many thanks.

1 Reply

Hey there,

I'll try to help you out with this. This documentation is deprecated, which I have brought to our documentation teams attention.

The browser "iceweasel" is now called icecat and you can find the mirrors for this program here:

I would ensure that you are on the most recent version of Debian as this package doesn't appear to be compatible with CentOS currently.

Let us know if you are still having trouble with installing this on your debian Linode with the updated sources.

Tara T
Linode Support Team


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