Improve time response server


I have a 2gb linode where I have cpanel installed. Currently when I ping the server I have a response of approximately 250ms.

Is there any way to improve this time?

Does this time influence the loading time of a page?

What should be the normal time in answering the server considering that I am in South America and the server is in London, England, UK


1 Reply

250ms is average or above-average for a connection from South America to Europe. Latency always affects page loading times, but latency will be different from different geographic locations. For example, if someone visits your site from Italy they will have less latency and a faster load time than if someone visits your site from Chile. The only way to improve this latency would be to move your Linode to a datacenter that is closer to where a majority of your visitors connect from.

We have many different datacenters all around the world. You can use our Speedtest Linodes to test which ones provide the best latency to your location. If you'd like to move your Linode to a different datacenter, open a ticket and we'll be happy to help.


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