All sites hosted on my linode not opening

Yesterday, I got a message that my site is down, I restarted the server but it appears nothing is working.

Dallas, TX, USA

5 Replies

Does it ping? Does SSH work? What do the logs say? What's the error message?

@Woet Thank you very much for your quick reply…

How do i access all this file.. it was installed by my friend, he powered it all up with Plesk..

now nothing is opening..

Not even the server

I tried ssh and its not opening also

Does it ping? Did you try LISH in the panel? Does "its not opening" have an error message?

Hey there!

In general there could be a few possibilities for what you are seeing. If you can provide us specific outputs of what you are seeing, that might help explain what exactly is happening.

When you attempt to access the websites, do you see a 5XX error? Do you see an error that it couldn't resolve the domain or that a connection times out? What is the output of a verbose curl attempt to your domain? You can try that with curl -vIl <website>.

What is the exact output you receive when you attempt to SSH to the Linode? What is the output of ssh -vvv <user>@<IP address>?

Specific outputs and error messages will allow us to provide clear and detailed assistance to get you up and running as soon as possible. The answer to this post might help with the SSH problem and from there you can attempt to troubleshoot by checking specific error logs.

Thanks in advance!


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