MySQL Installation Packages | CentOS 7 [SOLVED]
I installing MariaDB in CentOS 7 but i saw different guide
How to install
One way is:
$ sudo yum install mariadb
Other way
$ sudo yum install mariadb-server
I search info about these packages but are very similar
$ yum info mariadb
$ yum info mariadb-server
I would like know which the different between one and another.
If necessary install both for real production environment
2 Replies
The mariadb package only includes the client programs that interact with MariaDB, whereas mariadb-server includes everything you need to run a database server on your Linode. In most cases you'll want to install mariadb-server, but it depends on what you're looking to do with MariaDB. If you want to have one Linode communicate with MariaDB that is installed on a second Linode, the first Linode only needs to have the client programs installed. If you want to have a MariaDB database on your Linode, then you'll need the full mariadb-server package.